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Company Incorporation In 4 Easy Steps

Step 01

Fill the Forms

Fill Enquiry form to Get Free Consultation. Our Expert Advice will help you choosing Right Business Setup.

Step 02

Customise Company and Pay

Customise Your Companies Capital, Directors, Various Kind of Other Registrations etc. and PAY as per Your Customisation. We are known for Transparancy and Honesty.

Step 03

Upload Documents

Upload all Necessory Documents just after Payment screen. It will give a speed boost in Registration Process. For Further Clarificaiton / Documents - We will get in touch with you.

Step 04

Get Company Registration

Company Registration Process will start immidiately after receiving documents. In Just Around 20 working Days, You will get Certificate of Incorporation.

What is Private Limited Registration?

Private Limited Company are most popular business setup in India. All the Private Limited Companies are to be registered by ROC (Registrar of Companies) as per Cmpanies Act 2013.

It provides a platform for entrepreneurs to start their ventures with 2 shareholdres and 2 Directors. In most of the case Shareholders and Directors are same person. Overall, Private Limited Company registration provides a suitable option for individual entrepreneurs to establish a corporate entity with limited liability while maintaining full control over the business operations.

LetsMakeCompany.com offers a cost-effective service to Private Limited Company Registration in India.

List of Documents For Company Registration

For Directors

  1. Passport Size Photo (Mandatory)
  2. PAN Card (Mandatory)
  3. Identity Proof (Any One)
    • Passport
    • Aadhar Card
    • Driving License
    • Voter ID
  4. Address Proof (Any One)
    • Bank Statement
    • Electricity Bill
    • Telephone Bill
    • Mobile Bill
    • Gas Bill

For Registered Office of Co.

  1. Rent Agreement (Mandatory)
  2. Noc from Landlord (Mandatory)
  3. Ownership Proof (Any One)
    • Electricity Bill
    • Telephone Bill
    • Gas Bill
    • Mobile Bill

Note: Address proof for the promoter and registered

  1. Address proof for the promoter and registered
  2. All Proofs must Contain Clear details, Like Name, Address etc.

Incorporating a Pvt Ltd Company Registration involves several key steps:

  • 1: Applying Name for Approval

    Choose a unique and valid name for the Private Limited Company Registration. Ensure it is not identical or similar to the name of any existing company in India. The name of the company must reflect the nature of the business. Submit an application to the Registrar of Companies (ROC) for reserving a name for the private limited company. Once the name is approved, it is valid for 20 days from the date of approval.

  • 2: Collection of Documents

    Gather all essential documents like identity proof, address proof, and photographs of the proposed directors and promoters of the company. Additionally, for the company's registered office address, documents such as Rent Agreement, Utility bills, and No Objection Certificate from the owner of the premises are also required.

  • 3: Preparation for Pvt. Ltd. Registration

    After collecting the documents, prepare various other things to proceed with Private Limited Company Registration in India. This includes preparation of Digital Signature Certificates (DSC), drafting of MOA and AOA, consents of directors in DIR -2, preparation of necessary SPICE+ forms, and other mandatory documents.

  • 4: Filing Application for Pvt Ltd Company Registration Online

    Once all the documents and drafts are ready, proceed to upload the SPICe+ application form along with all the desired attachments of various other documents prepared for Company Registration Online. Private Limited Company Registration forms must be digitally signed by the director with his class 3 Digital Signature Certificate. The form is further certified by a practicing professional such as a CA, CS, CMA, or Advocate of the High Court.

  • 5: Issue of Certificate of Incorporation

    Once all necessary documents are verified and compliance requirements are met, the Certificate of Incorporation for a Private Limited Company Registration is issued by the Registrar of Companies (ROC). It signifies that the Company Registration Process is complete. The Certificate of Incorporation is a conclusive document regarding Company set up.

By following these steps diligently, entrepreneurs can smoothly incorporate a One Person Company and begin their business operations with legal compliance and protection.

Pros and Cons

Private Limited Company Registration in Delhi

Private limited companies offer a blend of advantages and disadvantages in the realm of business. Understanding these facets is crucial for entrepreneurs seeking to establish such entities. Private limited companies offer a unique structure that combines benefits of limited liability with operational flexibility. These entities are favored for their ability to safeguard personal assets while providing a separate legal identity, which instills confidence in business dealings.

  1. Big Companies and Investors First choice due to Transparency
  2. Funds Raising through equity, loans, or venture capital, enabling business growth and expansion.
  3. Company Continues to exist beyond the life of Shareholders / Directors
  4. Shareholders are not personally liable for company debts beyond their investment.
  5. Foreign Investment can be Taken in Automatic Route.
  6. Reduced Tax Rates for Higher Income Brackets
  7. Public funds could not be generated through stock exchanges.
  8. Buying and selling shares to the General public are not allowed.
  9. Compliance burden like Audit etc adds minor operational cost.
  10. Requires adherence to various legal and regulatory requirements.
  11. Maximum Shareholders capped at 200
  12. Director Capped - Max -7

Comparative List of Different Business Structures in India

Particulars Private Limited One Person Company (OPC) Partnership Firm Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) Proprietorship Firm
Registration Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional
Applicable Law Companies Act, 2013 Companies Act, 2013 Indian Partnership Act, 1932 LLP Act, 2008 No specified Act
Ownership Transfer Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Liability Protection Limited Limited Unlimited Limited Unlimited
Separate Legal Entity Yes Yes No Yes No
Compliance Requirement High High Low Moderate Low
Perpetual Existence Yes Yes No Yes No
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